Drum Quick Pro (DQP)
For open systems, use Drum Quick Pro (DQP) accessories.
Part No.:
3250-002 - Replacement filter, air - used on 4530-001
4530-002 - Insert, polyethylene, 2" ABUT (American Buttress)
4530-006 - Dip tube, 55 gal drum mount length
4530-005 - Dip tube, 275 gal tote mount length
NOTE: When ordering suction kits ensure you have selected the correct dip tube
orientation for your system. DEF Packages do not include coupler systems.
You must choose a coupler kit to create a complete system for your fluid distribution

Suction Kits Open System
For open systems, use Drum Quick Pro (DQP) accessories.
Part No.:
4530-009 - Suction Kit, DQP series Includes: coupler, insert, key and 330 gal tote mount length dip tube
NOTE: When ordering suction kits ensure you have selected the correct dip tube
orientation for your system. DEF Packages do not include coupler systems.
You must choose a coupler kit to create a complete system for your fluid distribution

Reusable Stainless Valve (RSV)
For closed systems, use Reusable Poly Valve (RPV) or Reusable Stainless Valve (RSV) systems accessories. RSV and RPV components are interchangeable
Part No.:
4530-048 - Coupler, Fill head 1" NPT(M) For use with 4530-037 only
4530-037 - Insert, stainless steel, 2" ABUT (American Buttress)
4530-038 - Key, stainless steel, RSV/RPV

Reusable Poly Valve (RPV)
For closed systems, use Reusable Poly Valve (RPV) or Reusable Stainless Valve (RSV) systems accessories. RSV and RPV components are interchangeable
Part No.:
4530-063 - Insert, polyethylene, 2" ABUT (American Buttress) (M)
4530-058 - Key - Poly, RSV/RPV

RSV/RPV Dip Tubes
For closed systems, use Reusable Poly Valve (RPV) or Reusable Stainless Valve (RSV) systems accessories. RSV and RPV components are interchangeable
Part No.:
4530-044 - Dip tube, 275 gal tote - center mount length
4530-040 - Dip tube, 275 gal tote - side mount length
4530-043 - Dip tube, 330 gal tote - center mount length
4530-039 - Dip tube, 330 gal tote - side mount length

Suction Kits Closed System
For closed systems, use Reusable Poly Valve (RPV) or Reusable Stainless Valve (RSV) systems accessories. RSV and RPV components are interchangeable
Part No.:
4530-045 - Suction Kit, RSV series - includes: coupler 4530-036, insert 2- 275 gal tote mount length dip tube
4530-046 - Suction Kit, RSV series - includes: coupler 4530-036, insert and 2- 330 gal tote mount length dip tube
4610-001 - Suction Kit, RSV/RPV SS series - includes: coupler 4530-036, DEF Hose 6' x 3/4" ID, Fitting 1" BSPP(F) x 3/4" barb
4530-059 - Suction Kit, RPV Poly series - includes: coupler 4530-057, insert and 55 gal drum dip mount length tube
4530-060- Suction Kit, RPV Poly series - includes: coupler 4530-057, insert and 2-275 gal tote mount length dip tube
4530-061 - Suction Kit, RPV Poly series - includes: coupler 4530-057, insert and 2- 330 gal tote mount length dip tube
4610-003- Suction Kit, RPV Poly series - includes: coupler 4530-057, DEF Hose 6' x 3/4" ID, Fitting 1" BSPP(F) x 3/4" barb

Coupler Kit Accessories
Part No.:
6210-001 - Funnel with spout. 1 pt. 1/2" spout